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January 15, 2020

You’re not living in your dream home yet because it’s still under construction. Maybe it’s only a shell at this point. Still, it’s your home, so you’re wondering if you need homeowners insurance for your custom home plans in Oklahoma City, OK. The fact is, designing custom homes in Oklahoma City, OK comes with a unique set of risks that require specific types of insurance coverage. You may need homeowners insurance as well as a special policy while your home is being built. Here’s the scoop. Homeowners insurance Yes, when you build a home, you need homeowners insurance. You should... View Article

Benefits of Owning a Home

December 23, 2019

Many people dream of becoming a homeowner, while others never plan on homeownership. No matter what your thoughts on homeownership may be, though, there are several benefits of owning a home that apply to people across the board. If you’re considering buying a starter home or investing in custom home design in Oklahoma City, OK, but you’re unsure about whether it’s the right time, it can be helpful to consider a few of the most significant benefits of homeownership. Homeownership is a big step, and it requires a lot of planning and commitment. While the path to owning a home... View Article

How Does Rain Affect Houses Under Construction?

December 16, 2019

Building a custom home is exciting and offers so many great benefits, but the process itself can be challenging. There are numerous factors that can affect the timeline of designing custom homes in Oklahoma City, OK and can be hard to predict exactly when your project will be finished. With that in mind, it’s possible that you will have to deal with rainy weather that can affect your home building project. Read on to find out more about how rain affects houses under construction and how you can protect your custom home from damage. Common concerns for homebuilding in the... View Article

Preparing Your Home for Winter

November 19, 2019

Fall is here and winter is quickly on the way, making now the best time to winterize your home before the real cold weather kicks in. Whether you have a custom home plan in Oklahoma City, OK or you’re working with something more standard, your home and environment can be greatly improved by following a few basic maintenance tips: Tune up your heating system: Before you start using your heater for the winter, check it to make sure everything is in working order. Change or clean filters if needed, and if there are any problems, it’s time to call the... View Article

The Benefits of Buying a Custom-Built Home

November 13, 2019

The allure of a brand-new, custom-designed home is obvious: they’re homes designed exactly to your standards, with no need for renovations. Everything is brand new and precisely to your taste, from the floors to the light fixtures. When it’s time to upgrade your living situation with a custom home build in Oklahoma City, OK, be sure to call Perry House Plans. We design floor plans for dream homes every day. Benefits of custom floor plans Better building standards: As science and architecture progress, building codes and standards improve along with them. Whereas older buildings can be a minefield of problems,... View Article

Perry House Plans